
FC Formwork Walling System

Euromix™ polymer enhanced cement Renders and full polymer Textures are formulated to provide weather resistant, decorative finishes over fibre cement (FC) covered permanent formwork walling systems. 

Finishing System Summary

There are several rendering systems recommended by Euromix™ for finishing over fibre cement (FC) lined permanent formwork systems such as Ritek® (registered to James Hardie) and AFS Logicwall® (registered to CSR).

These render, texture and paint finishing systems have been designed and should be applied in such a way as to;

Minimise the appearance of minor structural imperfections, misalignment of walls etc.

Provide a render/texture finish that is sufficiently thick/strong to be resistant to impact forces.

The key components of such systems are summarised as;

Substrate preparation setting of sheet joints.

Fixing of PVC corners and trims.

Base render coat.

Finishing render coat.

Texture coat.

Paint coat - optional. 

Euromix™ Patch Course + PVC Trims

Evenly fill the joints using Euromix Patch Coarse, mixed with @ 10% cement and then embed 55mm wide alkali resistant fibreglass (FG) mesh tape (non-adhesive) into the Patch. Where specified, PVC Trims should be installed using Patch Coarse, ensuring that they are plumb and aligned with the appropriate sheet surface.



Euromix™ FP Render

Once the Patch Coarse has dried (at least 24 hours in normal conditions), prepare the selected Euromix Full Polymer Render product and apply it a nominal thickness of 3-5mm, using a trowel and straight edge to achieve true and level finish.



Euromix™ FP Render

Use Euromix Full Polymer (FP) Render as second coat. This is always recommended prior to application of the Texture Finish. Skim can also be used as a finish coat when a sponge finish is required instead of the Texture coat.




Euromix™ Acrylic Primer

It is always recommended to apply 1 coat of Euromix Primer prior to the application of the Texture Coating which should be tinted to match the colour of the Texture. Allow the primer to dry for minimum of 4 hours before top coating.



Euromix™ Texture

It is recommended to use a Texture Coating to enhance aesthetics for finishing and provide flexibility to the system. Can be tinted to colour of choice.