The Euromix PVC Render Wall Finishing System is suitable for application over PVC permanent formwork systems.
The Euromix™ PVC Finishing Systems require the application of five (5) different acrylic based Euromix™ products; Euromix NPS Primer, Euromix Patch Coarse Broadwall, Euromix NPS Keycoat Render, Euromix FP Render, Euromix Sand Finish or Euromix Quartz Texture(s).
System Scope
The finishing systems described in this document is suitable for PVC permanent formwork systems, provided;
System Application Guidelines
Substrate Preparation
All surfaces of the PVC walling to be coated must be clean, dry and free from any material that may inhibit adhesion (including loose paint, grease, oil, fungus / moss, dirt, friable materials and any mould release agents).
Any concrete splatter or other build up on the external surface of the PVC Formwork should be removed. The source of any ‘leakage’ of concrete should be investigated and any problems with possible water ingress be corrected.
Mask windows and architectural trim elements, floors and adjacent walling materials using tape, plastic film or similar.
Prepares the PVC surface for following coatings. Simply roll on and allow to drive, no surface abrasion required. Roll on.
Once Patch Coarse is fully dry, apply 1 coat of Euromix NPS Keycoat Render to a minimum
thickness of 6-8mm throughout. Use a straight edge make walls as straight as possible.
Apply Euromix FP Render throughout to a minimum thickness of 2-3mm. Finish to a flat float finish in preparation for Euromix Sand Finish Texture
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